Lawyer Corner
About Lorne Shuman, B.A., LL.B.
Lorne Shuman graduated from York University with a Specialized Honours Degree in Public Policy and Administration. He is a graduate of the University of Windsor Law School where he obtained his Bachelor of Laws degree in 1992 and was called to the bar in 1994.
Lorne practised real estate law for approximately three years after his call to the bar. He then spent fourteen years as Director, Legal Services for First Canadian Title, a leading title insurance company before returning to private practise. Lorne's practise areas include real estate, leasing, purchase and sale of a business, and corporate law.
Lorne has appeared on both radio and television and has written numerous articles for various publications including the Toronto Star, the National Post and various legal publications. He is a certified instructor with the Toronto Real Estate Board and has taught to thousands of realtors over many years. Lorne has lectured on the subject of real estate law for the Law Society of Upper Canada's continuing legal education program. He is a certified coach with Baseball Ontario and a former coach, trainer and manager with the Greater Toronto Hockey League.
Lorne can be reached at 416 225-5136 or by email at
Recently, our office has had a number of condominium interim occupancy closings. In every case, the Buyers are shocked to learn of the amount of the monthly occupancy fees that they are required to pay during the interim occupancy period. This column will look at this issue along with many other important issues that are often misunderstood or overlooked by Buyers of brand-new condominiums.
When you buy a brand new condominium from a builder, there is often excitement at the prospect of one day owning a brand new condominium. That excitement may be overcome by disappointment when the property is ultimately delivered by the builder. Unfortunately, many buyers fail to understand the intricacies of closing on a brand new condominium property. This results in confusion and shock at the time of the interim occupancy closing.
The closing process for a brand new condominium is unique because there are two (2) closings. The first closing is the interim occupancy closing. This is when the Buyer obtains possession of the property. However, it is not when the Buyer becomes the legal registered owner of the property. This happens on the final closing which coincides with the actual condominium corporation being created. Between the time of the interim and final closing, the Buyer will be required to pay monthly occupancy fees. The occupancy fees are composed of the estimated property taxes, the estimated monthly common expenses as well as the interest on the deferred purchase price. The sticker shock for the Buyer is when they learn of the amount of the monthly occupancy fees. Consider for example a purchase price of $1million. On the occupancy closing date, the Buyer will likely have paid 20% of the purchase price. Therefore, the unpaid or deferred purchase price will be $800,000. In calculating the interest rate on the deferred purchase price, the Condominium Act states that the interest rate is linked to the Bank of Canada’s one year conventional mortgage rate in the month that the occupancy closing takes place. The current rate is 7.24%. Therefore, the interest component of the occupancy fees alone in this case would $4,826.00. In addition to this would be estimated monthly common expenses and property taxes. Therefore, in the scenario above, the Buyer would be required to pay the builder monthly occupancy fees of approximately $5500.
This situation will invariably lead to many questions, such as:
Must occupancy fees be paid? The answer is yes.
What happens if the Buyer refuses to or is unable to pay them? The answer is that this will result in the Buyer being in breach of contract allowing the builder to terminate the contract, forfeit the deposits and sue the Buyer for breach of contract.
How long must occupancy fees be paid? They are payable until the final closing date. The final closing date is typically 3-6 months following the interim occupancy closing date, however, this could vary. I have seen them as short as 1 month and as long as 1 year.
Can the occupancy fees be reduced? The answer to this is yes and no. A Buyer, with permission of the builder may have the ability to make a further payment/deposit on the interim occupancy closing date in order to reduce the interest component of the occupancy fees. However, we generally advise against this because there is an element of risk associated with this. The risk is that the builder will have a large sum of money and the Buyer will not have any security since it is not the legal owner of the property until final closing. In the event that the builder goes bankrupt or the condominium is not completed, the Buyer’s monies may be lost.
Are the occupancy fees credited towards the purchase price on the final closing? The answer is no.
Can a Buyer rent the condominium during the interim occupancy period to offset the cost of the occupancy fees? This will depend on whether or not the builder will allow the Buyer to do so. Without a specific amendment in the Agreement allowing the Buyer to rent the property during the interim occupancy period, a Buyer is not permitted to do so. The builder’s consent will need to be granted for this purpose.
What happens on the final closing? On the final closing date, the Buyer becomes the owner of the property. This is when the Buyer will stop paying the monthly occupancy fees and will become the registered owner of the property and start making mortgage payments, if applicable.
Occupancy fees are like paying rent. They cannot be avoided and must be paid for several months. With the recent increases in interest rates, occupancy fees have become a major problem for Buyers of pre-construction condominiums. So, how can a Buyer avoid this problem? The best answer to this is for a Buyer to understand the process of buying a pre-construction condominium at the outset. It is advisable for the Buyer to retain an experienced real estate lawyer who can explain the process as well as the risks. In addition, if given the opportunity, the lawyer will review the builder’s Agreement and explain the numerous additional and unexpected costs that a Buyer will face with the purchase of a pre-construction condominium. To avoid many surprises and unknowns that come with buying a pre-construction condominium, a Buyer should obtain sound legal advice from the outset before they sign the Agreement of Purchase and Sale or during the rescission period.
Source: Lorne Shuman / February 18, 2025
As seasoned professionals in the real estate world, we all know that there is no such thing as an easy or simple real estate deal. What can appear to be a simple real estate deal can quickly become complicated and fraught with difficulties and challenges. Tough deals can be frustrating but present valuable opportunities for learning. Many of the problems and challenges that arise are almost always beyond the control of the lawyer or the realtor. Below is a list of factors that can complicate or even jeopardize a real estate deal along with some tips on how they can be avoided or minimized.
Poorly drafted or thought-out provisions
In the vast majority of residential transactions, the lawyer will receive the deal after it has been signed. A poorly worded or missing clause can create problems or tie the lawyer’s hands. Examples of this are incorrect or missing representations and warranties, survey clauses and incorrect tenant assumption clauses. Even worse can be failing to include conditional clauses for status certificate review, financing and inspection. Realtors can reduce the risk by drafting carefully worded clauses and not just rely on outdated precedents. Realtors have an obligation to ensure that the complete Agreement has been read and understood by the clients.Clients who do not follow instructions
Every real estate deal has a deadline. Examples of these are conditions, title search and closing dates. Some Buyers fail to realize the importance of deadlines in real estate transaction. One challenge is often related to clients who delay arranging their mortgage financing. Without mortgage instructions at least one week prior to closing, the lawyer cannot prepare the file for closing or advise the client of the final balance due on closing. In some cases, the lender will have numerous conditions that must be met prior to closing. The delay in receiving mortgage instructions can lead to delays in closing. Many buyers do not understand the implication of not closing due to delays in financing. The Seller is not obligated to provide the Buyer with an extension and may only agree to do so if extension fees are paid. The same goes with new builds where builders often charge exorbitant extension fees with onerous conditions. The tip for realtors here is to stay in constant communication with your Buyers so that there are no last-minute surprises.Selling and Buying on the same day
This is not advisable and bridge financing should be obtained. A bridge loan will allow the Buyer to close its purchase first and then close its sale at a later date. This avoids the risks of buying and selling on the same day and the problems that can follow.Difficult Lawyer on the other side
A real estate deal requires 2 lawyers, one for the Buyer and one for the Seller. The lawyers are obligated and should act in the best interests of their respective client. In some cases, the lawyer on the opposing side can make the deal difficult, if not impossible. The reasons for this may vary, but in my experience, the most difficult lawyers are those who either have too many files and cannot handle the volume or those who are inexperienced and simply do not know what they are doing. In any event, as the lawyers need to correspond, exchange documents, resolve disputes and ultimately close the deal, a lawyer who does not respond or refuses to do what is necessary can make a deal go off the rails very quickly. In cases where the lawyer refuses to cooperate or respond, there is very little that can be done. The message for realtors is to refer your clients to experienced lawyers who you trust and will respond when there is a problem. Lawyers who hide behind their clerks and make themselves invisible should be avoided.Failing to ask questions
Many potential problems on a real estate deal can be avoided by communicating with your client and asking questions from the outset. For instance, will the Buyer qualify for the mortgage or will they need a co-signor? Do they intend to rent out a part of the property? Do they intend to renovate or build on the property? Has the property recently been renovated and have the necessary permits been obtained and has there been a final inspection done? Does the Seller own or lease some of the items on the property like a hot-water tank, furnace or air conditioner? All of these questions and many more need to be asked at the outset so that the appropriate safeguards can be included in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
Real estate law is a specialized area of practice and not meant for dabblers who are not familiar with the vast array of laws and constant change. What would appear to be a simple deal is not always the case and when that happens, it is advisable to have an experienced, competent and attentive lawyer on your side and your client’s. While tough deals can be frustrating, learning from them will allow you to refine your skills and strengthen your client relationships leading to a satisfied client and more referrals.
The start of a new year offers a perfect opportunity to reflect on past lessons. As real estate lawyers, we have encountered a variety of preventable challenges that buyers, sellers and realtors face. Below are some tips to consider to ensure that you and your clients are adequately protected when it comes to dealing with buying and selling properties.
Make a Will – you might think that estate planning has little to do with real estate, but it plays a critical role. Without a proper will, property owners who pass away unexpectedly may require a costly and time-consuming Certificate of Appointment (probate) process in order to transfer ownership. A well thought out estate plan can avoid problems when buying or selling properties. This becomes evident when owners of property have not planned ahead and die unexpectedly and need a Certificate of Appointment (probate) in order to sell the property. Additionally, we have seen many unfortunate cases where individuals use internet templates or draft their own wills. These often turn out to be invalid or problematic, resulting in costly and lengthy court applications for their beneficiaries. Plan ahead. Make a will and you will have peace of mind for you and your family.
Title Transfers – related to making a will, many people believe that they can transfer ownership of their property to their children to avoid probate. While this may be true, there are a number of factors that need to be considered before blindly adding a child to your title. Matters like tax consequences, potential spousal claims, loss of control and potential challenges by an unhappy family member can result in a family fight and costly litigation. After obtaining sound legal advice, many clients will forego a title transfer to avoid the risks and complications that go along with it.
Condominium Insurance – if you are buying a condominium, it is imperative that you speak to an experienced insurance professional to ensure that you have the proper insurance in place. This insurance should include contents, liability and deductible insurance. Many homeowners do not understand the importance of having adequate deductible insurance. For instance, if you cause a flood in your unit and it damages other units, the condominium can compel you to pay its deductible which in some cases could be $25,000 or more.
Title Insurance – this has been around for years and anyone who buys property should have a title insurance policy in place. For a one-time premium, title insurance provides coverage for a number of risks including fraud, forgery, open permits, tax arrears, etc. This should be arranged by the lawyer handling the purchase of the property. We strongly recommend that all of our clients obtain title insurance when purchasing a property.
Renovated properties – If your clients are buying a property that has been renovated or buying a property that has been previously demolished and rebuilt, we would recommend that you submit an offer that is conditional on a lawyer’s review of the Agreement. This will allow the lawyer to amend and improve the offer with clauses that will protect your client from a legal standpoint. As well, you should make inquiries with the seller or its realtor about the availability and status of building permits for the property.
Rental Items – Most properties have rental items such as hot water tanks, furnaces, air conditioners, etc. Too often realtors fail to properly identify these items in the Agreement which invariably leads to confusion and complications. It is important to verify which items are rented and which items are owned by the seller. Similarly, fixtures and chattels need to be clearly identified and listed in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.
Tax and legal advice – In many situations, clients will look to you for tax and legal advice. This is because buying and selling real estate often intersects with tax and legal matters. You are well advised not to provide tax or legal advice. My recommendation is that you politely tell your client that you are not equipped to provide this advice and refer them to an accountant or a lawyer.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure smoother transactions. If you have further questions or need personalized advice, do not hesitate to contact us.
Lorne Shuman / September 19, 2022
In real estate, timing is everything. During the last 6 months, there have been winners and losers in the real estate market. Those Sellers who were fortunate to sell and close prior to the dramatic change in the market were the winners and those who bought at inflated prices and closed may be the losers, however, they may have benefited from lower interest rates on their mortgages. As real estate lawyers, we see the good, the bad and the ugly. The ugly part of our job is advising either Buyers or Sellers when deals are falling apart. While we always to our best to provide advice in difficult situations, in some cases, there is no solution and the deal does not close. It is then up to the litigation lawyers and the courts to resolve the dispute. In many cases, Buyers could not close because they bought without a condition on financing and either wanted out of a bad deal or could not quality for a mortgage. In other cases, Sellers could not close on their purchase deals because of defaulting Buyers on their sale deals. Regardless of the reasons, every time there is a change in the market, chaos inevitably follows and no one wins except the litigation lawyers.
Recently, I have seen other reasons why deals don’t close or are delayed and these have nothing to do with changing market conditions. Many of these problems can be avoided if realtors took extra care when preparing an Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“Agreement”). This column will give examples of unforeseen problems that may arise and how realtors can avoid them to ensure a hassle free closing for all parties involved.
Tenants-It goes without saying that buying or selling a tenanted property creates challenges. If you are representing the Buyer, you must determine if your client is prepared to assume the tenant or if it wants vacant possession on closing. Absent anything to the contrary in the Agreement, vacant possession is expected on closing. If the Buyer wants to assume the tenant, then the appropriate clause for a tenant assumption must be in the Agreement. If the Buyer wants vacant possession, then the realtors must address the issue of terminating the tenancy. When I once asked an inexperienced realtor about a deal where the property was tenanted and the Agreement called for vacant possession, the realtor said that the tenant “told me” that he would be vacating the property. This is not good enough. There are specific rules regarding how a tenancy can be terminated and every realtor needs to be familiar with these. If acting for the Seller, if the Agreement requires vacant possession on closing, the Seller must ensure that the tenancy is properly terminated and that the property is vacant on closing. Failing to do so will jeopardize the deal and even worse expose the Seller to possible litigation. Even with everything properly done in terms of notifying the tenant, there is no guarantee that the tenant will in fact vacate the property. Accordingly, there is always a risk that a tenant can make life difficult for a Seller by refusing the vacate the property. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the tenant holds all the cards and it is very difficult, expensive and time consuming to evict a tenant. The bottom line is that realtors need to be very careful when representing a Buyer or Seller of a tenanted property.
Fixtures and Appliances- Listing agents should be careful in allowing the following clause into the Agreement-“The Seller warrants and represents that all fixtures and chattels included in the purchase price shall be in good working order on closing” Even if you substitute ”normal working order”, it makes no real difference in my view. The problem in allowing this clause in the Agreement arises when the Buyer attends at the property before closing and discovers that one of the appliances is not working. Invariably, the Buyer’s lawyer will rely on this clause to request a holdback on closing. This results in many e-mails and phone calls between the lawyers and may delay closing. Further, if a deficiency is discovered after closing, you have an unhappy Buyer when the Seller takes the position that the appliance was working on the closing date. In my view, this can be avoided if listing agents amended the clause in the Agreement to state that the fixtures and chattels are being purchased in “as is” condition. After all, the Buyer must understand that they are buying used appliances. If they are concerned about them working, then they should inspect and test them when submitting their offer.
Notice of Security Interest (NOSI)-When acting for a Seller, it is insufficient to ask the Seller if there is any equipment on the property that is rented. The most common rental item is a hot water tank and there is a provision in the Agreement which requires the Buyer to assume the rental contract. However, there are some items in the property that are considered rent to own items. Examples of these are HVAC equipment, water softeners, water heaters, etc. With rent to own items, in some cases the owner of the equipment may register what is called a NOSI on the title to the property. This NOSI is a lien on the property which is like a mortgage and if not dealt with correctly in the Agreement, the Buyer could force the Seller to discharge the NOSI and pay it off in full. From my experience, the companies who register these NOSI’s may require the rental items to be bought out at inflated prices. It is therefore important for the realtor to ask if the Seller has any rent to own items in addition to rental items and if so, these should be included in the section six (6) of the Agreement which requires the Buyer to assume the rental contract. Failing to do this could result in a windfall for the Buyer and a shock for the Seller.
As you can see, there is no such thing as a simple real estate deal. Sometimes, market forces will force a deal to go sideways and not close. When this happens, there unfortunately, is not much that can be done by the realtor or the lawyer. However, as can be seen from the examples above, there are things that a good realtor can do to minimize the risks and protect their clients.
Lorne Shuman / April 28, 2022
Today’s hot real estate market has created many Buyers for few properties with the result being that multiple offers are often the norm. To ensure that your offer will be accepted, a Buyer may submit an offer without the usual clause making the offer conditional on a lawyer’s review of the Condominium’s Status certificate and related condominium documents. While such an offer may improve the chances of your offer being accepted by a Seller, there are risks in submitting an offer without a condition on Status Certificate review. This column will examine the risks of submitting an unconditional offer and discuss what information is contained in a typical condominium Status Certificate.
When a condominium unit is purchased, the Buyer acquires the unit as well as a proportionate interest in the condominium corporation. The purchase price may also include a locker and/or a parking unit. In order to ensure that both the condominium unit and the condominium corporation are in good standing, a prudent Buyer should, when possible, make its offer conditional on a lawyer’s review of the Status Certificate and related condominium documents. With a conditional offer, If the lawyer or the Buyer is not satisfied with the contents of the Status Certificate, the Buyer can cancel the transaction and get back its deposit. Without such a clause a Buyer may not be able to cancel the transaction and may be forced to buy the property with any defects or deficiencies revealed in the Status Certificate.
The Status Certificate is a set of documents issued by the condominium corporation discloses important information about the condominium unit and the condominium corporation itself. It is a snapshot in time of the current state of the unit and condominium building as a whole. The Status Certificate and related condominium documents typically indicate:
the amount of the monthly common expenses and whether or not the Seller is in arrears of the common expenses
the legal description of the unit and any parking or locker units
whether or not the parking or locker units are owned or are exclusive use
the amount of the condominium corporation’s reserve fund which is a fund necessary for major repairs or replacements and whether or not the reserve fund is adequate
whether the condominium corporation has conducted a Reserve Fund study
whether the condominium corporation is contemplating an increase in the monthly common expenses or a special assessment to pay for unanticipated expenses
whether the condominium corporation is a party to any lawsuits or litigation
whether the budget of the condominium corporation is accurate
when the last set of audited financial statements have been produced
whether or not the condominium corporation has a record of the unit being subject to a section 98 Agreement relating to additions, alterations or improvements to the unit or common elements
all of the rules on the condominium including, rental restrictions, pet restrictions and smoking restrictions
When an offer is conditional on a lawyer’s review of the Status Certificate, the lawyer will review the Status Certificate as well as all of the other important documents that should accompany the Status Certificate including the condominium’s Declaration, By-laws, Agreements, Budget, Reserve Fund Study, Rules and the latest Audited Financial Statements. Based on the information provided, the lawyer and the Buyer can make an informed decision as to whether or not to proceed with the purchase of the condominium in which case the Buyer can waive the Status Certificate condition thus making the deal firm.
By failing to make the offer conditional on a Status Certificate review, a Buyer may be going in blind without knowing the full scope of the problems that may exist with both the unit itself or the condominium building as a whole. For instance, following closing, a Buyer could be faced with a number of costly problems, including:
significant increases to monthly common expenses
special assessments against the unit owners which is a lump sum payment required to pay for repairs to the condominium building
costs to repair a condominium building which may be in need of costly repairs such as water proofing or underground garage repairs
costs to restore unauthorized repairs which may have been made by a previous owner without the approval of the Condominium Corporation
future unmarketability or decrease in the value of the property due to age or deterioration
Unfortunately, due to the current market, many Buyers may be getting caught up in the buying frenzy and are submitting unconditional offers without realizing the risks of doing so. As a result, a Buyer who submits an unconditional offer may be unable to cancel a transaction and be forced to close only to be faced with unexpected costs following closing. Realtors representing Buyers who are considering making an offer on a condominium should inquire with the listing agent as to the availability of the Status Certificate so that it may be reviewed by the lawyer prior to submitting the offer. This will allow the Buyer to make a somewhat informed decision even without a conditional offer being submitted.
Buyers and realtor need to be made aware of the risks of making offers which are not conditional on Status Certificate review. Failing to plan ahead can result in unwanted surprises and costs.
Lorne Shuman / January 25, 2022
It is not unusual for a property to suffer damage, substantial or otherwise just prior to closing. In most situations, minor damage to a property just prior to closing would not provide the Buyer with the right to refuse to close the transaction. However, an interesting decision of the Superior Court of Justice highlights how parties should conduct themselves when there is substantial damage to a property prior to closing.
In this case, just one day prior to closing, the Buyers had a final inspection and discovered extensive water damage caused to the property, a condominium townhouse caused when the Seller was replacing the Kitec plumbing. The floors, subfloor, baseboards, ceiling and drywall suffered water damage. Upon learning of the damage, the Buyer’s lawyer contacted the Seller’s lawyer suggesting two options-1) that the Buyer’s contractor repair the damage with a holdback of $100,000 for the repairs or 2) the parties sign a mutual release with the Seller paying $25,000 to cover the Buyer’s expenses of renting another property and buying another property. In response, the Seller’s lawyer countered by proposing a three-day extension of the closing to assess the damages, stating that the repairs would be far less than $100,000. The Buyer’s lawyer suggested a holdback of $75,000 with damages of $5,000. The Seller was able to provide a report estimating that the repairs would cost $10,000. The Buyers produced a forensic engineer report stating that the Seller’s report was incomplete and did not address the possibility of further hidden damage behind the walls.
The transaction did not close and subsequently, the Seller had the damage repaired for $6,893 and resold the unit for almost $40,000 more than the original sale price. The parties went to court for a judicial determination of the dispute. In reviewing the evidence, the court referred to the standard clause in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale which provides that in the event of substantial damage, the Buyer has the option to terminate the contract or use the proceeds of insurance to pay for the repairs. The judge ruled in favour of the Buyer concluding that the damage was in fact, substantial and the Buyer’s had acted reasonably in arguing that the cost of the repairs could exceed $10,000. The judge ruled that the Buyer was entitled to receive the return of the $31,000 deposit and were also awarded damages of $33,000 for alternate accommodations, moving expenses and the cost of the engineer’s report.
The important takeaway from this case is that the judge looked at the conduct of the parties and concluded that the Seller had not acted in good faith by refusing the Buyer to have its own engineer assess the scope of the damage and limiting the damages to $10,000 when the Buyer’s engineer report stated that there could be further unknown costs. Parties to a contact have an overriding duty to act in good faith and the courts will look at the conduct of the parties when making legal determinations.
In my view, this is a correct decision as a Buyer should not be forced to accept a property which has suffered substantial damage just prior to closing. It is important to distinguish substantial damage from minor damage which would not otherwise entitle a Buyer to delay or rescind a transaction or obtain an abatement to the purchase price.
My real estate practice involves acting for many buyers of pre-construction condominiums and houses. Buying a pre-construction property offers many benefits. These include buying a property that is new, modern and never been lived in, a property with a warranty and most likely a property that may appreciate in value by the time that it is ready for occupancy. However, buying a pre-construction property is completely different compared to buying a resale property and there are several risks and surprises that come with buying a pre-construction property from a builder. This column will address numerous risks that buyers may face when presented with a builder’s Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“APS”) for a pre-construction property.
A typical builder’s APS is a contract prepared on the builder’s form. It is long, complicated and prepared by the builder’s lawyer. The contract is, in many respects, onerous and contains many provisions which are one-sided in favour of the builder. When buying a pre-construction condominium, a buyer will have a ten (10) day rescission or cooling off period to cancel the transaction if not satisfied with the terms of the contract. During this period, the buyer is well advised to retain an experienced real estate lawyer to review the contract and provide legal advice. Failing to do this can be a mistake as you will see below.
The builder’s APS will contain a section on adjustments. These are the costs that the buyer will have to pay for items like development charges, lot levies, Tarion enrolment fees, utility connection fees, etc. The costs of these adjustments can increase the purchase price by thousands of dollars. The exact cost of some, but not all of these items will be set out in the Tarion addendum to the APS. During the rescission period (which only applies to condominiums and not freehold properties), your lawyer may try to either eliminate or cap some of these costs. In some cases, the builder will provide caps of the adjustments. If the builder will not agree to any caps, you have the option to cancel the contract. The benefit of this review is so that you will be aware that you will need to come up with extra funds on closing to pay for these items. A buyer who is aware of this will be better prepared for closing and can budget accordingly.
Many buyers are dazzled by glossy brochures and plans at the sales office. Unfortunately, what you see is not always what you get. This is because a typical builder’s APS gives the builder the right to alter the plans and dimensions and substitute materials without the requirement to provide any compensation to an aggrieved buyer.
Many buyers fail to realize that the builder determines when the property is complete and fit for habitation. The builder sets the closing date and the buyer has no say in this matter. In some cases, very little notice is provided leaving the buyer to scramble to arrange its financing. A buyer will be forced to close, pay for and move into a property that may be unfinished. While the buyer will have an opportunity to do a pre-delivery inspection prior to closing, unfinished items are completed by the builder after closing subject to the builder’s schedule and availability of trades.
The builder has very liberal rights to extend the closing date for a number of reasons. The occupancy date on the APS is tentative and should not be relied upon as the final date. The date can and will likely change and while delayed occupancy compensation may be available, there is a limit to the amount.
Conversely, the buyer has no rights to extend the closing date. If a buyer is unable to arrange its financing in time for closing, the buyer cannot insist on extending the closing date. The builder does not have to grant an extension of the closing date. If they do, they can charge extension fees which can amount to thousands of dollars in some cases, depending on the builder.
In some cases, a buyer may decide that it does not want to move in and may want to assign or sell its APS to a third party. This is generally not permitted without the consent of the builder which may be arbitrarily withheld. If the builder allows an assignment, there are often conditions and fees that must be paid.
Similarly, if a buyer needs to add a third party to the APS because it will not qualify for financing alone, a buyer cannot unilaterally add a third party to the APS. The consent of the builder must be obtained and again, the builder will charge a fee for this.
Many buyers who buy a property for purely investment purposes do not understand how the HST applies to the purchase of a new property. If the buyer or its immediate family member will not be occupying the property as its primary place of residence, then the buyer will not qualify for the HST rebate. This means that the builder will charge the buyer the HST rebate on closing. This could add an additional $25,000 to the purchase price. In addition, builders are now getting very stringent on this point and have the ability to charge the HST rebate if they suspect that the buyer is being untruthful about moving into the property.
Many buyers fail to realize that a builder’s APS may allow the builder to cancel the contract altogether for a number of reasons. For instance, the builder can cancel the contract if it fails to sell a certain number of units, if it fails to obtain bank financing or if it fails to obtain the necessary approvals from the municipality. Finally, although it is a rare occurrence, the builder may go bankrupt leaving a buyer’s deposit at risk as Tarion only provides a limit on the amount of deposit protection that is available.
As can be seen from the points made in this column buying a brand new property from a builder comes with an element of risk. Understanding these risks and obtaining legal advice from the outset is necessary to avoid surprises and disappointment.
The dramatic increase in property values coupled with the increase in interest rates is making the goal of owning a home an impossibility for many millenials. The reality is that many millenials will need the financial support and assistance of their parents or relatives to help them obtain a down payment to purchase a home. In situations where the parents are providing a gift or loan to their child to assist with the down payment, I am often asked by the parents for advice on how they can protect their financial contribution in the event the child later separates from their spouse or partner. The response to this question will depend on a number of factors. This article will provide some guidance for parents who are providing financial assistance and want to understand how to protect their contribution.
The first point to consider is whether the financial contribution is a gift or a loan. A gift has no expectation of repayment. A loan, on the other hand, has an expectation of repayment. If the funds are a loan, then this should be clearly spelled out in a legal document setting out the terms of repayment. If the parent does not want the child’s spouse or partner to benefit from a gift, then it is important to document that the funds as a loan and not a gift. Without a formal document in place, the courts have traditionally treated the funds as a gift in the absence of a promissory note or mortgage loan agreement. In such cases, it is possible for the ex spouse or ex partner to benefit from the funds upon a breakdown of the relationship.
If the funds are a loan, it is important that all of the parties sign legal documents to support this. One way to do this is by having the borrowers sign a promissory note which can set out the amount of the loan and the terms upon which the loan is to be repaid. Another option is for the parties to sign a mortgage which can be registered on title to the property similar to when a bank provides a mortgage. This is the best protection for the parents because the child will not be able to refinance or sell the property without paying off and discharging the mortgage. The downside to this is that the bank providing the first mortgage to the borrower may not permit any secondary mortgages to be registered on the property.
Regardless of whether the funds paid by the parent are a gift or a loan, it is advisable that the child enters into a cohabitation agreement or marriage contract with its current or future spouse. This type of agreement is usually prepared by a family lawyer. This agreement will set out the method for dividing assets in the event of a breakdown of the relationship or marriage. The agreement should clearly set out how any gifts or loans from parents are to be distributed with specific reference to property division.
Financial assistance from parents is either a gift or a loan, but it cannot be both. For parents who are providing financial assistance to a child to purchase a property, it is imperative that they obtain legal advice from an experienced real estate lawyer and possibly a family lawyer to understand how they can protect their contribution towards their child’s property.
The Ontario government recently announced that it would be presenting legislation this spring to ban the use of NOSIs (Notice of Security Interest) going forward. In addition, the government indicated that the legislation would also attempt to retroactively cancel all existing NOSIs. The legislation is the result of lobbying from various groups including homeowners and lawyers. This column will explain what a NOSI is and how a NOSI can cause so many problems in the course of a real estate transaction.
A NOSI is a notice that can be registered on title to a property in the land registry system when an individual finances or leases equipment such as an HVAC unit. The security interest is granted by the individual to the company supplying the equipment. In the context of a residential property, I have recently seen a number of instances where a NOSI has been registered on title to a property without the knowledge of the owner. When the owner sells or refinances the property, the Buyer will discover the NOSI when its lawyer does a title search on the property. What follows is often a dispute between the parties as to who is responsible for discharging or paying out the NOSI on closing. This column will discuss this issue and provide some guidance for realtors on how to avoid disputes which could result in deals not closing.
A NOSI often comes in the form of rental equipment on the property such as a water heater, air conditioner, furnace or water softener. In many cases, an unsuspecting or vulnerable homeowner may receive an offer from a company to install equipment on the property and a contract would be signed setting out the terms of repayment. Unfortunately, many of these companies are unscrupulous and fail to explain to the homeowner that the equipment is not a true rental, but essentially a rent to own contract which entitles the company to register a NOSI on title to the homeowner’s property. Once registered on title, the NOSI is like a mortgage which would normally have to be fully paid off and discharged by the Seller on a sale of the property. The terms of the contract may require monthly payments and in many cases, the cost to buyout the equipment would be exorbitant and much higher than the actual value of the item. NOSIs often extra work for lawyers and often lead to disputes between the parties.
What can a prudent and careful realtor do to address these NOSIs? Below are some tips:
If you are the listing agent, you must ask your client to confirm if any of the equipment on the property is a rental or if it is a rent to own and subject to a NOSI. This can be discovered by looking at the contract and calling the supplier to confirm the exact nature and terms of the contract between the supplier and the owner; and
Ensure that the Agreement of Purchase and Sale has clear and explicit language stating that the Buyer agrees to assume the terms of the contract between the supplier and the Seller and that the Buyer understands and agrees that it will agree to assume any NOSI registered on title to the property and will not require the Seller to discharge the NOSI on closing.
Conversely, If acting for a Buyer, it is important to confirm that any equipment on the property is owned by the Seller and not subject to a rental contract or NOSI. Unfortunately, many Sellers are unaware of the nature of the Agreement between themselves and the supplier. However, as a co-operating realtor, you can protect your Buyer’s interest by inserting a clause into the Agreement of Purchase and Sale that obligates the Seller to discharge any NOSIs registered on title relating to any equipment located on the property. This clause will protect your clients and ensure that they are not forced to assume a costly contract with potentially large buyout.
If you are unsure if your home has a NOSI registered on title, the best and quickest way to determine this and avoid surprises is to contact a real estate lawyer to do a title search on the property. This can be done for a modest cost usually under $100.00.